Wedding Planning 101: Episode 1, Now on YouTube!

by | Apr 10, 2018 | In the Spotlight & Features

With our recent 5th birthday at the beginning of 2018, Dee Kay Events is ready for a change. A change to help more couples with stress and anxiety in order to give them the best day ever.

Today is the official launch of our new series, Wedding Planning 101, on our new YOUTUBE CHANNEL! Ahh!

I’ll keep it short, but please be gentle and let me know what you think in the comments. Remember to follow us on Instagram and reply via DM. We’ll be happy to answer your question!

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Happy viewing!

Or, if you have the time, read the script below:

Wedding Planning 101: Episode 1, Priorities

Hey everyone. My name is Diane Kolanovic-Solaja, and I am here to help you plan an elegant, fun and practical wedding. I am Creative Director and Owner of Dee Kay Events and we specialize in joyful beginnings. Consider us your insurance policy of happy.

If you are watching this clip, that means you need a bit of guidance while you plan your wedding, or perhaps a shoulder to cry on, or simply someone to share a glass of champagne. Good news: You’ve come to the right place.

Today’s episode will focus on wedding priorities. Now, if you’re like most engaged couples today, you struggle to balance your life in general. From your full-time job, to seeing your family, to hanging with friends, you barely have enough time to see your fiancé. Where will you find the time to plan your wedding?

Weddings are a big thing. A huge thing. The anxiety of planning a wedding can be overwhelming. You have opinions from your sister, your best friend, your future in laws. And, of course, let’s not forget, the Pinterest design holes you try to climb out of every weekend.
Trust me. I get it. But, listen up. I got three things to help you through this.

Number 1: Don’t Forget Your WHY
Why are you getting married? No, really. Think about it. Is it to have a paparazzi day with an amazing photographer following you around? Is it because you are dying to have a huge party with all your friends? If these are reasons you are getting married, I need you to stop this video, call your Mama and really analyze what’s going on. Marriage and your wedding, although very much connected, are two different things. Your wedding will be kicking off your marriage. A beautiful journey you will have to walk together through and will have to put in the work. If you’re getting married for all the other jazz, please stop it now. But, if you are getting married to the love of your life and cannot wait to start this journey together, then you already got everything you need. Don’t forget WHY you are getting married. This will bring you down to earth when anxiety is high and it will remind you not to sweat the small stuff. As I always say to my clients, if you end up married to your best friend by the end of the day, it’s a perfect wedding day.

Number 2: Top 3 for the Win
Let’s take a deep breathe. Clear our minds. Become one with wedding planning. Now, what are the three things that you want to remember of your wedding? Is it the food? Is it how you feel? Is it the dancing? Write them down. Come one. Right it down. Go ahead. I’ll wait. Ok. Good. Now, let’s think about what you would like for your GUESTS to remember about your wedding. I know your wedding is about you, but you are sharing the day with your closest loved ones. Let’s make this party great for everyone. Now, that you have your top 3 lists for both, sit down with your fiancé and discuss. Maybe your top 3 overall will be Food, Music and A great Party. This is great! Now, you know you should upgrade to the seafood extravaganza for cocktail hour instead of spending more on peonies vs. roses for your centerpieces. Whatever top 3 you have, focus and concentrate on those. I promise it will relieve you of much anxiety and give you the ability to make smarter choices for your wedding.

Number 3: Embrace the Power of No
It’s true. Weddings can bring out the worst in people. It’s unfortunate, but someone needs to be the adult, ok? I vote you. Yes. YOU. Aunt Sharon may have 4000 opinions and your Mom may agree, and your father-in-law may want to sing at your wedding, but you need to understand the power of NO. I’m not telling you to blatantly to hurt people’s feeling. Everyone is literally doing their best out there in life. Don’t be mean. Instead, thank them for their thoughts and their opinions and tell them you will consider it. Remember to always be kind in your delivery. It’s not what you say, but how you say it. Let’s not instigate a battle royale over little things. And, you know what, sometimes, say yes, because the littlest things may mean the most to someone close to you. Be flexible and kind, but also stand your ground.

And, there you have it, if you stick with these three priorities for your wedding, I promise it will be smooth sailing. Don’t forget why you’re getting married, focus on your top 3 things you want out of your wedding day and embrace the power of no.

Our mantra at Dee Kay Events is to have ability to share our talent, and ourselves, to the touch the lives of others in hopes of living a full and happy life.

So, that being said, I hope you found this video useful or at, the very least, put a smile on your face. Remember to press the subscribe button and come back every Tuesday for more wedding planning tips.

Talk to you soon! Cheers!


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Diane Kolanović-Šolaja Creative Director & Owner
Diane Kolanović-Šolaja, Creative Director and Owner of Dee Kay Events, is an award-winning wedding planner, author, and speaker. Equipped with a dynamic blend of experience in corporate law and technology, a gut feeling with a 90-day plan, and an undying passion for uniting people in celebration, she transformed her vision to help people into a leading tri-state wedding planning service. Diane's approach is deeply personal, blending meticulous planning with a flair for design and a commitment to cherished memories, creating over a decade-long legacy of crafting luxurious, unforgettable weddings. Diane's journey demonstrates her unwavering dedication to celebrating love across the Jersey Shore and beyond, making every marrier's dream day a splendid reality.

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Mom. Wife. Sister. Wedding Planner. Writer. Lover of Live Music and Soft-Serve Ice Cream All Year.


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