Dee Kay Events’ Creative Director Featured on Sound Change

Dee Kay Events is proud to announce that Diane Šolaja, our owner and Creative Director, has been featured on Sound Change Career Coaching. Event partners for Career Change Confidential, Stephanie Licata writes of Diane’s path of becoming an almost attorney to event entrepreneur. You can read the entire feature here: Land on your Feet, Sound Change.

To meet Diane and other inspiring career changers, join us on  Monday, October 20 at 7:00 in NYC for an evening of career discussions, empowerment and cocktails at Career Change Confidential. Use code DEEKAY  for a 10% thank you for investing in yourself.

Coming Soon: Styled Inspiration™

Coming Soon: Styled Inspiration™

To find purpose every day is a feat. To find purpose in your work is a blessing.

For years, I have had a yearning in the depths of my soul to help people. To make a difference. I have finally found a balance between work and life. Giving is good!

In the new year, be on the look out for a new type of inspiration. Collaborations that have meaning and inspire the people involved. Photographs that not only take your breath away, but give new breath to the models in them.

A new take on the styled shoot. Our mission is to inspire design through lifting the hearts of the people involved. A love collaboration that goes further than just business marketing and exposure for yourself. But, a collaboration of empowerment, self-worth and kindness to the soul.

Styled Inspiration: A new take of the styled shoot!